Our Blog
Below is a list of our latest blog posts, enjoy!
The In's and Outs of fishing for Squid
By: Mike On: 8 July 2018
Squid can be caught all year round, but best fishing for them is over the winter. Squid are awesome eating or the perfect lollipop bait for Kingfish.
3 Simple Tips to help reducing wind knots when casting braid with spin reels
By: Mike On: 1 July 2018
Maple Smoked Kingfish
By: Mike On: 1 May 2018
A great recipe for smoking kingfish in a Bradley smoker serves 16-25 portions
Basic Guide to Cleaning Your Reel
By: Mike On: 1 January 2018
I often get asked how I clean my gear when I am finished a day’s fishing. I have a simple process I have used for the last 20 years and have had good life out of my reels and rods.